Wednesday, September 03, 2008


It's been 4 days since any real cooking occurred in this house. The flatmate made this thing I hate over the weekend and I ate it for dinner last night, and the night before. That much lazy came. Imagine!

Today was to be decidedly better.

Something, anything had to be cooked. So pasta was made. With cilantro. And lots of garlic for flavor. Yummy!

Wine was poured. Into one of 2 special glasses picked up from ChinaTown SFO.

Lights set to a mellow yellow. (OK. They're always dimmed. There's 2 yellow lamps only anyway)

And music was put on. Light. Breezy. Sigh. Yeh... tumhaari meri baatein ...

Cool breeze floated in through the windows. Lavender scented oils emanated their fragrance into the cozy confines of this room.

It was indeed a sigh moment.

And then an sms arrives from a number unknown "Happy Ganpati! ..."etc etc.

One resounding OOPS sounds goes off inside head for having consumed garlic AND alcohol on the eve of a festival!

Post which the wine drinking and pasta eating resume, of course.

Indeed, I'm nothing if not shameless. (Amma would've hung her head in shame, alas.)

(Speaking of which, Amma calls at the very moment to tell me she's stuck in traffic near Chembur/ Sion. Have to confess that even in the course of our 1 hour long conv intended to distract her from the traffic outside her window, not once did I let it slip that errors of oceanic magnitude had occurred on this precious day. Why make her unhappy thus, I ask?)

I stand by the stmt on my last post ref this topic, btw. So long as I don't indulge in husband beating (not that there's one to beat up yet) or co human abuse post alcohol consumption, I'll continue to assume I'm still blessed. Garlic and wine intake be damned.

Happy Chathurti everyone! How did you celebrate? Tell tell!


prasi said...

"It's been 4 days since any real cooking occurred in this house. "
You got no right to complain. :-) It will have been 2 months since any real cooking (anything that is not poha) happened here...but tonight, the wrong will be righted. It rained and it lightning-ed and it thunder-ed but resolute i am.

Anonymous said...

I vaguely remember someone telling me that they were going to go off alcohol. I somehow can't remember who it was :-)

nutty said...

cooking.. food.. eating.. wow! all mythical concepts in my current life...

as for how day was spent... guess? guess? yes at work doing hard labor... as always...

unpredictable said...

Prasad: So? Did you or did you not?

Penguin: You know, some people should just lose their sharp memory sometimes. *Some* people who you're stupid enough to tell *some* things. Bah.

NuttY: Ouch. My sympathies are with you. But only you can get out of this cycle. Really.

prasi said...

I did.

Anonymous said...

Gobbled kozhakattais,stealing the jaggery purnam before the kozhakatai's are made, checked out fabindia, ate more kozhakattais, day ended with nice dinner with friends and N dearest - thus went V chathurthi

pasta with garlic and wine sounds good yum :)