For months I've incessantly yapped about this play i'm asst directing and acting in.
Tonight, we screened our 3rd and last show. It's late in the night, so this post won't be long.
Just wanted to say that it went incredibly well. :-)
Especially the last show we staged this evening. After 2 shows of being applauded by the audience, but still thinking of scope to improve, today, in our last show, we finally got it to look the way we'd envisioned it and probably better :)
It was amazing!
My co actor and I would crib after every run about how this and that was 'off' in our story and finally, this time, we had our best most perfect run so far.
I feel so incredibly proud and happy and I'm warning you that for the next few days, if you run into me, this is likely ALL you'll hear me talk about. Sorry in advance!
To friends and colleagues who turned up - THANKS! It means so much when people you know and like are there to see something you've put together with tremendous effort. It was lovely having you there, and your words were music to our ears. We only hope you were being honest about how much you liked it :-)
Sigh. The thing now is, I'll miss weekends as they were, and I'll miss this supremely talented bunch of people I worked with for the last 7 months. It'll really be a pity if we don't do this again soon. But S, the director for this one is caught up with other commitments until December, and there's few people willing to start a production, so if something has to be done, it'll have to be started by yours truly. Time to wake up my snoring sense of dramatic initiative, perhaps?
Speaking of people who mean a lot, 3 people I'd loved to have had here with me most would be Mom and friends A and M. The video recording is a shoddy replacement for what you could actually have seen, but this is a world with distance and expensive airlines and limited leave - I get ALL that.
I still wish you were here to share this with me, though. Bah.
*Whine* *Pout* *Sulk* Anyway, tomorrow's dinner with the team. About time we did something together outside of rehearsals! So very very excites is came! :D
Sleeping happy and proud tonight after an incoherent rambly gushy post. Phew. Good night!