Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Happy Pizza!!!

Ooh that name is about to bring some very random hits to this page because of Cambodia and all. Although what this is really about is a happy Ms. Tic.

After being grumpy and whining about life and work and life and more work for about 3 weeks, even I have to tire of being a cynic and turn a new leaf.

So there. Something magical about the weekend that was Diwali, and nothing at all to do with the actual festival has had me smiling ever since. It just feels like things will work out one way or another. Like every good thing that I might have done in my 28 year long life might finally have a chance to pay me back now, and that it ACTUALLY WILL!

For starters, Wake up Sid was watched. Twice. And liked very much. The wedding sari was worn to a Diwali party the Penguin and I threw for friends. And what a party it was! You know how there are things men hate admitting they love to talk about? Yeah so when they're around women who 'force' them to discuss these things. they give the women a run for their money. As soon as the topic of "your ideal mate" came up, we heard groans from around the room, which over the next 30 minutes turned into an intense probe session mostly led by the men. Oh well. They had fun, girly or not. And that's all that matters no?

Then other good things happened. Library visiting. A 3 day weekend I didn't know about until the evening before. Lots of chill time with the Penguin which hadn't happened in very long. Catching up on Filmfare and chick lit reading. Eating yummy food things. Meeting the old flatmate and her mother. Really nice comments on the wedding pics. A warehouse sale and goooood shopping. And so on. :)

The cold was the only thing that didn't get better. The nightly blocked nose has persisted through the week and led to bad dreams every night. Ranging from the Penguin and me trapped by goons and trying to escape through a bathroom window (who were we kidding? it was the 20th floor!) to me going completely blind except for flashes of light all around me, they were surreal and freakishly correlated to not being able to breathe properly. But I'm starting on a dose of strong meds tonight, and hopefully sweet dreams (preferably none) will be had tonight onwards. YAY!!!

That's all from me folks. If my hand stays good, I'll blog more often. :)


Penguin said...

I don't know if I asked you this, but do I get stuck in bathroom window and do you try to then push me out? Hahaha - that would've totally made the dream less nightmarish and very, very funny! :-)
PS - Kala tika on happy UmaThurman.

prasi said...

I watched Sid wake up too. Konkana is so adorable. /Prasad

Mogambo said...


Mogambo said...

oh i'm having nightmares too. they sound like this -- 'tick tock, tick tock ...'

unpredictable said...

Penguin: No I dont bother. It would be near impossible anyway.

Prasi: I'd say the same of Ranbir.

Mogambo: Friday am my time is here. Where's that thing you're supposed to be sending? TICK TOCK TICK TOCK ...

Mogambo said...

can we move deadline to saturday p.m.? i know i know. don't make me hear it.

Red Stiletto said...
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Red Stiletto said...

Hi there, good post! Haven't congratulated you on your wedding. So, a big congratulations!!!