Thursday, August 20, 2009

For those who believe in prayers...

The 3 or 4 odd times in life I've had the chance to pray for something significant, like really ASK for a choice to be granted at a life changing juncture, I've held back from being too specific or picking from amongst the top 2 choices.

And learned that it's always for the best.

If I'd gone to IIMA vs. B for example, I'd have been a nervous wreck by the time the 1st year ended, instead of having as much fun as I did. But I refrained from asking, although A and B were the top choices, and everyone knows A is the more glamorous option of the 2. I kept holding back and saying 'I'll take what's sent my way' until I found out that A was actually the ONLY one I didn't make it through.

The same holds true for recent turn of events. And if what I've been granted in life so far is anything to go by, then only good things lie in store, although I'm finding it tough to see it right now.

Hope. Faith. Courage. I hope to find you and keep you over the next few months. Work with me, will ya?


Penguin said...

Hugggggg! You'll have loads of fun in the coming months, I promise!

Nothings aplenty said...

I have generally found that they will work with you if you work with them...and since thats not a problem for you, i think, it shouldnt be long before you find all three at your doorstep with big bags and mattresses.
In the meantime, good luck.

Nutan said...

Babes, take care. Things will work out exactly the way you want. All my best wishes...

unpredictable said...

Penguin: We'll hope for the best. That's for sure. :)

Nothing: ah yes. I hope I hear them when they knock. :D

Nuts: Thanks. I guess even if it's not the exact way I want, it usually is for the best. :)

Morpheus said...

make the most of what you have. Green grass is over rated!

Wanderer said...

same same! I'm so glad about not A... not that i was close.

unpredictable said...

Morpheus: I guess you are right. :) I dont think contentment with you decisions is one of them though. :)

Wanderer: Heheheh ... A killed most ppl I know, although it did teach them a lot. But I'd pick being ignorant over tortured any day! :D